Friday, April 2, 2010

Yea for Me!

Yea for ME!!! Bill and Harrison are on their way to visit for a week!! I can't wait to see my family! We are heading to Houston on Saturday to spend Easter with my sister. I'm hoping they get me out of my hidey hole so I can explore Austin. I've realized that I'm not much of an adventurer when left on my own. I've been here 5 weeks now and I can get to work, back home and the dreaded grocery store. That's it! Am I weird? Ok, ok, weirder than most? Actually, don't answer that...

OK, on a somewhat different subject... This has been bugging the crap out of me for some time now. How do you spell yea(y with a long A sound)? Is it Ya, Yea or Yeah?? And what about y with a short a sound; you know, the word annoying kids use instead of "yes"? Ever time I try to write the word that stands for excitment, I wonder if I'm just agreeing with something instead...