Friday, April 2, 2010

Yea for Me!

Yea for ME!!! Bill and Harrison are on their way to visit for a week!! I can't wait to see my family! We are heading to Houston on Saturday to spend Easter with my sister. I'm hoping they get me out of my hidey hole so I can explore Austin. I've realized that I'm not much of an adventurer when left on my own. I've been here 5 weeks now and I can get to work, back home and the dreaded grocery store. That's it! Am I weird? Ok, ok, weirder than most? Actually, don't answer that...

OK, on a somewhat different subject... This has been bugging the crap out of me for some time now. How do you spell yea(y with a long A sound)? Is it Ya, Yea or Yeah?? And what about y with a short a sound; you know, the word annoying kids use instead of "yes"? Ever time I try to write the word that stands for excitment, I wonder if I'm just agreeing with something instead...


  1. Hope you had a great Easter. We miss you!

  2. Glad to hear from you! Hope you have a great week.

    And I too have long been troubled by the yeah, yea, yay disagreement. I think yea is a positive vote or affirmation. I think "yay" is an expression of joy. Yeah, is how the kids agree in slang. But, what do I know.

  3. I'm sure I would be the same way in a big, strange city. So, no, in my book... you're not weird at all! But, then... maybe I'm weird, so that makes you weird too? Hmmmmm....

    As for those dreaded words... I'm not entirely sure myself. I think I probably spell it different ways every time I write it. The annoying (but I'm guilty of using a lot) alternative to "yes", I spell as "yah"... phonetically, I guess. The word that shows excitement... I spell either "Yay!" or "Yeah!". Not sure what is correct though.
