Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Shit, shit and more shit!

How can anyone accumulate so much SHIT?!! (and how can I make myself get rid of it??) I could open up an antique store with just the pottery I have and finish out the rest of my life selling the stuff.

Could I give it to Goodwill (Are you crazy?! Do you have any idea how much you paid for the shit?!)? Give it to friends (would they want your shit and would you really want them to know how much shit you have???)? Throw it out (yeah, right)? So I guess I just pack it up and buy a bigger house.


  1. I've taken a lot of shit in my time... more from co-workers than friends... but I just have to say that I LOVE the shit you've shared with me in your de-cluttering. :-) Thank you again, my friend!

  2. You are more than welcome! I will certainly keep you in mind while I uncover more wonderful shit!!

  3. All I know is that I LOVE the SHIT you gave me this past week! ;)
